Couched in the pristine waters of the Indian Ocean, Sri Lanka has captivated the attention of traders and travelers for centuries. A languorous tropical isle of serenity and deep spirituality, Sri Lanka entered the Western imagination as the Tahiti of the East. Despite its smallness, it has garnered a plethora of names-Serendib, Ceylon, Resplendent Isle,  Teardrop of India, Island of Dharma, and Pearl of the Orient-an accumulation that reveals its richness and beauty, and the intensity of affection that it has evoked in visitors.

Official Name: Sri Lanka Prajatantrika Samajavadi Janarajaya (Sinhala); Ilangai Jananayaka Socialisa Kudiarasu (Tamil) (Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka)

Capital: Colombo (executive)

Area: 65,610 sq km

Currency: Sri Lanka Rupee

Religion: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity

Languages: Sinhala and Tamil (official), English

Major Cities: Colombo, Kandy, Jaffna, Galle

Climate of Sri Lanka

In the lowlands, the weather is typically tropical with an average temperature of 27°C in Colombo. In the higher elevations, it can be cooler with temperatures going down to 16ºC at an altitude of nearly 2,000 m. Bright, sunny warm days are the custom and are common even during the height of the monsoon-climatically Sri Lanka has no off-season.

Transportation in Sri Lanka

Getting there

By air – The main international airport in Sri Lanka is the Bandaranaike International Airport situated at Katunayake, 30 kilometers from Colombo; it is reachable by taxi or bus running regularly between the city and the airport every 30 minutes. A train can be caught at the airport as well. Airport facilities include bank counters for money exchange, bar, restaurant, and tourist information. The national airline of Sri Lanka is Sri Lankan Airlines. Air tickets can be bought at several airline office and travel agencies with a different rate; researching the current situation of the market is advised.

The major domestic airport is Ratmalana at Colombo. There are 22 smaller airports in Sri Lanka.

Helicopter tours: Helitours of Ceylonoffer a chance of charter tours of major tourist areas.

By sea – There are four international ports in Sri Lanka including Colombo, Trincomalee, Talaimannar, and Galle. Some cruise liners connect the country with India and Maldives, longer cruises are from Singapore to Dubai port in Colombo. Many start at Colombo and head for Indonesia via Malaysia and Singapore. The cruising season is from October through May and cruises take about 12 to 16 days.

Getting around

Plane: The major domestic airport in Sri Lanka is Ratamalana in Colombo. There are daily flights to other smaller airports at Batticaloa, Gal Oya, Palali, Jaffna, and Trincomalee.

Train: On the train, it is a delightful way to see Sri Lanka. You can reach all major tourist towns by train.

Road: Traffic drives on the left. Most roads are tarred, have a specified speed limit.

 Taxi: These are available in most towns. It is desirable to agree on a rate before setting off.  The metered-taxis are few and confine in the big towns, agreement on a fare before setting off is still needed though.

Bus: A comprehensive network of services of reasonable quality is provided by the Sri Lanka Central Transport Board.

 Car hire: Air-conditioned minibusses are also available. Chauffeur-driven cars are less expensive and recommended. Avoid traveling in remote areas and at night.

URBAN: Bus: The Central Transport Board provides intensive urban bus operations in Colombo, where there are also private buses and minibusses. Fares are generally collected by conductors. Services are often crowded.

Three-wheeler: It is called bajaj’s or auto-rickshaws are found everywhere in Sri Lanka. It is common to agree on a fare before you get in. Three-wheelers are often found in front of hotels and tourist spots.

Car rentals: There are several car rental shops to choose from. It is preferable and convenient because you do not have to comply with the timings of public transport, and you can organize your trip on your own while having a driver taking you there and there. Moreover, the cost is not expensive.

Travel to Sri Lanka

In spite of being a small island, Sri Lanka has many nicknames: Ceylon, Teardrop of India, Serendib, Resplendent Isle, Island of Dharma, Pearl of the Orient. This colorful collection reveals its abundance and beauty, and the intensity of affection which it has evoked in visitors.

Head for the rolling hill country to avoid the heat of the lowlands in the cool of tea plantations. The entire island is abounding with birdlife, and exotics like leopards and elephants are not unusual. To top it all off, the people are warm, the food is delightful and costs are low.

Does Sri Lanka offer everything That takes your fancy? Culture? Take a peek at the Kandyan dances, a procession of elephants or the masked devil dances. Beaches? The coastal extent south of Colombo offers palm-lined sandy expanses as far as the eye can see. Ruins? You’ll find enough ancient and inspirational architecture in the cities of Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa to content that inner archaeologist.

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