Lakshadweep-Paradise Islands

Best places to visit in Lakshadweep, sightseeing & tourist attractions in Lakshadweep

You will find paradise at the edge of nowhere. The archipelago of islands, off the southwest coast of Kerala, is also referred to as Lakshadweep. These coral outcrops in the Arabian Sea, are what dreams are made of: powdered white beaches lined with swaying coconut palms and emerald-blue lagoons.


Map of Lakshadweep:


Whats Famous Here: Sightseeing & Tourist Attractions in Lakshadweep 

The Island-Hopping Cruise:  This cruise which starts at Cohin could probably be described as the Third World’s version of a Caribbean cruise where tourist spent nights on the ship and days on the islands of Kavaratti, Kalpeni and Minicoy. Of course, the ship’s facilities are thread bare when compared to the luxury liners that sail the seven seas and one has to make one’s own entertainment which tourists do in good measure under the gaze of a million twinkling stars. But when it came to the Lakshadweep: they were as beautiful as any island you will find the world over. After days of fun and frolic on virgin beaches and in crystal clear waters tourists are ferried back to the ship one last time. That night the ship heads back to Cochin and reality. The island-hopping cruise is brief but it does give one a flavor of paradise.

Technically all visitors, Indians included, needs a permit to enter Lakshadweep. However, the permit comes as part of the package on any of the tours organized by the Society for Promotion of Recreational Tourism and Sports (SPORTS), a body that controls and regulates tourism in Lakshadweep.

In addition to the five nights, three-island cruise SPORTS also offers a number of other packages including options to spend nights on select islands. Laca Dives conducts all-inclusive, scuba diving courses in association with SPORTS on the island of Kadmat.


What to See: Tour package of Lakshadweep sightseeing spots

Beaches Of Lakshadweep: The first thing that strikes visitors as they stroll down its pristine beaches is that they were strewed with millions of shells, each one home to fascinating little creatures with eyes on antennas. One tends to teased them but eventually returns them to the sea. Instinctively one recognizes that these were living beaches still largely untouched by man and tourists and that one has stumbled on them but briefly.


Kavaratti: Kavaratti is the capital of this cluster of 36 coral islands of which only 10 are inhabited. The ship stays anchored out at sea and tourists are ferried by small boats to the island. Much of the time spent here is on the beach, splashing around in warm inviting waters and/or peering into their depths through a glass-bottomed boat and marveling at the exotic fish that swim amongst colorful coral gardens. Come sunset and tourists head back to the ship.


Kalpeni: Three satellite islands are marooned in its immense lagoon and one can spend endless hours here splashing around in turquoise blue waters, punting in pedal boats and/or lazing around on bone white coral beaches.

Travel to Lakshadweep:

Best time to Visit: Throughout the year.

Local Languages: Malayalam Mahi and English

How to Reach:

Air: the airport is on the island of Agatti which has regular flights from Cochin and Bangalore. The other islands of Lakshadweep are connected via helicopter.



Ships to Lakshadweep operate from Kochi and Calicut. Several other islands of Lakshadweep are also connected by boat service.

Excursions from Lakshadweep: Places You Should Not Miss in Lakshadweep 

As such there are no excursions from Lakshadweep but Kochi in Kerala acts as a gateway from Lakshadweep. One can also opt to visit Kerala backwaters.


Kerala Backwaters: Even today, the backwaters attract explorers from around the world, though those who come here now are not seeking new lands but a holiday experience that is unique. For Kerala’s Backwaters are in a constant flux where one can catch a glimpse of the drama of everyday life in India: simple, uncomplicated and fascinating as it unraveled against the backdrop of lush vegetation, a virtual riot of green.

Hotels and Resorts in Lakshadweep  

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Lakshadweep Travel Packages:

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Flights to Lakshadweep

The airport of Lakshadweep is on the island of Agatti which has regular flights from Cochin and Bangalore.

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