Nainital -The Lake District of Kumaon

Best places to visit in Nainital, sightseeing & tourist attractions in Nainital

Set in the grand tapestry of the Kilburry mountains is the Himalayan hill resort town of Nainital. Here on its grey-green lake raucous families row and spin around in pedal boats and honeymooners stare into each other’s eyes as they strolled up and down the Mall. While pockets of ineffable charm still remain, Nainital which was once the home of the legendary shikari Jim Corbett, has been overtaken by its own popularity and has acquired a big town buzz.


Map of Nainital:


Whats Famous Here: Sightseeing & Tourist Attractions in Nainital 

Heritage of Nainital: There are throwbacks to its colonial past; the elegant Raj Bhavan set in the midst of sprawling lawns and pine forests; the manicured greens of the golf course; the stately High Court building; the brooding Church of John in the Wilderness; stately manors

Natural Beauty of Nainital: Within a few kilometres of its Mall and lake, one can find remote trails which wind through dense forests of oak and pine where the barking deer and mountain goat leap and the langur swings through the trees with joyous agility. The deep green Naini lake is riveting because of its beauty and the legend that surrounds it. It is said to be one of the emerald green eyes of Sati, the wife of Lord Shiva.


What to See: Tour package of Nainital sightseeing spots

Naina Devi Temple: Some believe that the ethereal Naina Devi Temple at the northern end is said to be the exact spot where the goddess’s Sati, the wife of Lord Shiva, eye fell.

According to Hindu mythology Sati, the daughter of King Daksha, married Lord Shiva against the wishes of her father. One day the king decided to perform a sacred yagna or sacrifice and invited all the Gods and sages to attend except Lord Shiva.  Sati confronted her, what she got were harsh words and insults. Deeply hurt, Sati threw herself in the sacrificial fire.

Lord Shiva was devastated by her death and in a fit of rage he started to dance the Tandava (the dance of destruction) with the half-burnt body of Sati on his shoulders. To save the universe Lord Vishnu used his Sudershan Chakra, a cosmic weapon, to slice the body of Sati into a number of pieces and scattered them across the land.  The eye that fell at Nanital turned to water.


Bhim Tal: Bhim Tal named after one of the Pandava brothers, is the largest lake in the district and is enfolded in the embrace of mountains.


Travel to Nainital:

Local Languages: Hindi, Kumaoni, Garhwali

Best Time To Visit: March to September.


How to Reach:

Air: The nearest Pantnagar. But Delhi is a much more convenient airport as it is a domestic and international hub.

Rail: Nearest railheads are at Kathgodam and Haldwani. One can take trains to any of these two destinations to reach Nainital.

Road: several State transport as well as private operator buses ply on the Kumaon circuit in Uttarakhand which comprises Binsar, Kausani, Almora, Chaukori and Ranikhet. You can also hire a cab to reach Nainital.


Excursions from Nainital: Tourist Places and Things To Do in Nainital 

Sattal:         Sattal, 23 km away, is a group of interconnected lakes set against a fairytale backdrop of oak and pine beyond which rise the rugged Himalayas. Locals say that one of the Sattal (which means seven lakes) has dried up and one is haunted. The haunted one could well be Garur Lake, a deep shimmering green cupped in a hollow and surrounded by dense forest. A Loch Ness style monster could well lurk in its depths. Close by the lonely and abandoned St John’s Church with its sturdy stone walls and green roof seemed to resonate with the piety of devotees long gone.

The contours of the land around Sattal are rugged, surrounded as it is by rumpled green ridges and occasionally lush terraced fields. At the main cluster of four interconnected lakes which include Ram, Sita and Laxman a row of gaudy pedal boats idled along the shoreline.

Sattal is the place for young adventure seekers for here one can go rappelling, rock climbing, traverse Burma Bridges; go mountain biking and fishing.

Tradition has it that anyone who sees the nine corners of the beautiful Naukuchiya Tal at one time will die within the year. But happily, this feat is impossible.

Indeed, a visit to the lake district of Kumaon is equivalent to consigning sullen city spirits to the dustbin and rediscovering the childlike feeling of happiness; for this languorous district has the gift of surprise.


Ranikhet: At the crack of dawn the first rays of a sun gild the Himalayan peaks that etched the far horizon. Soon a slow burst of colours kiss the distant peaks with pink lipstick till the very heavens seemed to haemorrhage. Much had changed over the last decade in Ranikhet in the foothills of the Himalayas but the sunrise is a reassuring constant: spectacular as it has always been. There are a few quiet getaways in the verdant embrace of the forests around Ranikhet where you will stumble on quaint British estates with red sloping roofs and green gardens bordered with flowers of every hue. Some had been converted into country house style hotels whose splendid lawns make viewing the Himalayas a treat. Yes, the weight of history and the rush of modernity had not crushed the spirit of Ranikhet.


Kausani: The curvaceous road twists around bulging mountains, some mantled with forests, others with terraced mustard fields that ripple yellow like the waves of a golden sea. It crosses silvery blue rivers that are spanned by metal bridges and zips down roads bordered with trees daubed in a million shades of green, gold and rust. Occasionally the snow capped peaks of the might Himalayas rear up to trace the far horizon. In the distance small hamlets teetered on mountain ridges, seemingly ready to tumble off their precarious perch. Green wheat fields undulate on slim ridges and there is an air of explosive lushness about the landscape.

The person who coined the old adage: getting there is half the fun could well have been inspired by the road to Kausani, a charming little hill resort town in Uttarakhand.


Hotels and Resorts in Nainital

While Nainital has a large array of accommodation those at Sattal are limited to a few. Book your hotel with us, we look after all your accommodation needs.


Nainital Travel Packages: Top Tourism Places Nainital

Customize your travel. Write your requirements we will revert with a quote soon.

Flights to Nainital : The nearest Pantnagar. But Delhi is a much more convenient airport as it is a domestic and international hub.

Trains to Nainital (link trains to Nainital)

Nearest railheads are at Kathgodam and Haldwani. One can take trains to any of these two destinations to reach Nainital.


Buses to Nainital: Several State transports as well as private operator buses ply on the Kumaon circuit in Uttarakhand which comprises Binsar, Kausani, Almora, Chaukori and Ranikhet. 

Car Hire in Nainital: To experience Nainital at your own pace you can take a care hire. Hire a cab and get enchanted by the captivating locations of Nainital. You can also hire a cab for excursions from Nainital






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