Nagaland: The Flight of the Hornbill

Best places to visit in Nagaland, sightseeing & tourist attractions in Nagaland

Nagaland is one the most beautiful places in India as it is still undisturbed by mass tourism. This state is the farthest lying state in northeast and has unparallel natural beauty and cultural heritage. Tourists need to carry special Inner Line Permits (relatively easy to obtain) to enter Nagaland. Once when you interact with the local you will know the portrait of the Nagas: ancient and hardy as the hills around them yet tempered with the gentleness of earthy innocence.  So be warned: Nagaland can become a major obsession which begs to be revisited again and again, on the slightest excuse.


Map of Nagaland:


Whats Famous Here: Sightseeing & Tourist Attractions in Nagaland 

The Hornbill festival: The Hornbill festival is held over a period of five days during the first week of December each year at the Heritage Village, 10 km outside Nagaland’s capital city of Khoima. It is an endless parade of whooping chants, mock war games, hunting parties foraging through the forest, the simple yet essential tasks of tilling the fields, the initiation of a young lad into adulthood, mock wedding ceremonies, tribal games…

The tribal dances eventually make way for a traditional Naga wrestling competition where sturdy well built men with toned muscles struggled to flip their opponent over Sumo-style. At dusk the Hornbill Festival moves into hip and happening gear as teenagers spilled off the stands and into the centre of the arena to cheer the first troupe of break dancers.

Heritage and culture: Nagaland showcases the rich diversity of the proud Naga tribes that people the hilly terrain. Handsome young warriors and maidens with dewy complexions dressed in traditional costumes – richly plumed headgear, necklaces of animal fangs, war paint across their faces and bodies, menacing spears, sturdy shields – set the grounds alight with colourful song and dance performances.

Natural beauty: Around one-sixth of Nagaland is a green riot. The green cover include palms, bamboo, rattan timber, mahogany forest scrub forests, high grass reeds. A stroll in forests will let you encounter secondary dogs, pangolins, porcupines, elephants, leopards, bears, many species of monkeys, sambar, harts, oxen, and buffaloes thrive across the state’s forests.


What to See: Tour package of Nagaland sightseeing spots

The Hornbill festival: There is a pin drop silence in the stands as members of the head hunting tribe, their bodies decorated with elaborate tattoos, strode into the arena wearing no more than jockstraps. Even though the tribe had renounced their head hunting ways a long time ago, their reputation as fierce, give-no-quarters warriors preceded them. A shiver of apprehension rippled through the packed arena where the annual Hornbill Festival was being held at the Heritage Village 10 km away from Kohima, in Nagaland.

The leader of the troupe explained that they were going to play a little game where the contestants would attempt to feed each other… blindfolded. The result was hilarious as participants stumbled around stuffing sticky rice all over their partner’s body except the mouth. The once feared warriors had the stadium in splits of laughter. That one moment captured the spirit of the Hornbill Festival: a cauldron filled with the state’s heritage and culture and spiced with a generous helping of good natured fun and laughter. Over a period of five days the festival (held every year in the first week of December)

Heritage Village museum and food court : Next to the main arena is the Heritage Village museum and a food court where the aromas emanating from the smoky wood fire kitchens get one’s digestive juices flowing. However, be cautious; very, very cautious for Nagas have very exotic eating habits. They will eat almost anything – dogs, monkeys, frogs, bamboo grubs, silkworm lava, snails…. So play safe and stay with the vegetarian fare and maybe wash it down with light rice beer served in fresh bamboo shoots. The museum is open air museum and holds great artefacts of the festivals after which it was named.


Travel to Nagaland: Places You Should Not Miss in Nagaland 

Best time to Visit: September to April

Local Languages: English, Nagamese, and local dialects

How to Reach:

AIR:  Dimapur, on the border with Assam is the main airport which connects the state with Guwahati and Calcutta by regular flights.


RAIL – Dimapur, is the closest and mot convenient staion which is on on the main line of the Northeastern Frontier Railway.


ROAD – The State Transport Corporation operates buses from Dimapur and Kohima to Guwahati and Shillong.


Excursions from Nagaland:

No excursions available as such.

Nagaland Travel Packages:

Customize your travel. Write your requirements we will revert with an quote soon. 


Hotels and Resorts in Nagaland: There are several luxury and budget hotels in Nagaland’s capital city of Khoima.


Flights to Nagaland: Dimapur, on the border with Assam is the main airport which connects the state with Guwahati and Calcutta by regular flights.

 Trains to Nagaland: Dimapur, is the closest and mot convenient staion which is on on the main line of the Northeastern Frontier Railway.

 Buses to Nagaland: The State Transport Corporation operates buses from Dimapur and Kohima to Guwahati and Shillong.

Car Hire in Nagaland : To experience Nagaland at your own pace you can take a care hire. Hire a cab and get enchanted by the captivating locations of Nagaland.





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